Thursday, August 27, 2009


According to Central Queensland University (2002), problem-based learning
is; both a pedagogical approach and a curriculum design methodology,simultaneously
developing higher order thinking and disciplinary knowledge bases and skills. It
places students in the active role of problem solvers (practitioners) and confronts
students with a real-world situation (ill-structured problem).

Greg Kearsley and Ben Shneidermans (1999), engagement theory of relate, create, donate would see Webquests following a problem based learning activity.

On exploring and discovering what Webquests are I have found that they are a problem based learning activity, that they can incorporate all KLA's, which can help students to become competent in the following areas:

Collecting, analysing and organising information; communicating ideas and information; planning and organising activities; solving problems; using technology and working in a team.

The tasks allocated can vary, for example; analytical; a compilation; a creative product; journalistic; persuasive; research or science based.

Generally webquests (Webquest direct, 2009), have the following sections;
A Question/Task
Developing an understanding
Individual Roles
Group Processes
Real World Feedback

Webquests can be allocated to one year level or be produced to cover many age groups.

With the help of WebQuest Direct I was able to set up an account for free. This site collects articles about WebQuests from around the world and they endeavour to develop portal for WebQuests to help teachers everywhere find out about WebQuests (Webquest direct, 2009).

This type of learning is also what Greg Kearsley and Ben Shneiderman (1999), have outlined as the attributes of the engagement theory where students must be significantly occupied in learning activities through dealings with others and meaningful tasks.

The above link will take you to the webquest I have started, do not laugh at me when I say that this is definitely still a work in progress. If you have not noticed I am trying to stay with the theme of taste buds in the hope it will lead into my second assignment. Although I am not frustrated by this technology I must admit that I wish I had more time to explore all of their potential. In between work commitments, family (members being sick, extra curricular activities),and Uni life, it is starting to take its toll!!

So the answer to the question is yes these webquests are extremely time consuming but well worth the effort, to be able to implement them into future curriculum areas is something I will endeavour to pursue. Personally speaking I would ensure my webquest is a project that could cover several KLA's at once and run over a period of no less than four weeks duration.

I would envisage the classroom setting to be filled with at least one computer for every three children, this way the students could stay in their allocated groups. More collaborative learning with children moving through the room freely with frequent talking amongst peers and minimal input from teachers.

Until next time,


Webquest Direct. ( 2009). What is a webquest. Retrieved August 26, 2009, from

Kearsley,G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory:A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retreieved August 26, 2009, from

Central Queensland University. ( 2002). Problem based learning. Retrieved August 27, 2009, from

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