Saturday, August 1, 2009


Originally uploaded by rett66

Oh! Isn't he beautiful!!
This is my new nephew 1 hour old, little Noah.

Flickr is a site where you can store photos. When you join for free your entitled to use other peoples work/images, (making sure you acknowledge these images if they are copyrited).

I was able to set up my flickr account easily and proceeded to upload some of my mothers images into that account, from there I proceeded to post this photo to my blog. Yes it is that simple!

I would enable students the use of the schools digital camera to take images of their restaurant at school, images such as the mis en place for the menu, kitchen facilties, seating, images of plated food and of course the reastaurant in full operation. These images could then be uploaded and made into a slide and presented back in class time or even perhaps on an open day. This project would require and instill cooperation, motivation/engagement towards activity, enjoyment, pride in producing quality work which has the elements of the engagement theory as read on the Engagement blog (2009, June 12 ).


Engagement. (2009, June 12 ). Thoughts on engagement in activity made through observations of students after week 1. Message posted to

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loretta,

    I love this picture. It is gorgeous!!

