Wednesday, September 9, 2009


As I will not be having contact with any students’ until the first week of October I have not been able to ask them to establish their own blog. But I do agree that it would be a fantastic environment for them to learn, create and discover themselves and others. The application of this tool if used correctly would enable them to develop their writing skills, comprehension, reading and many other areas of the curriculum if given tasks directing them to do so. It also has the ability to engage a variety of learning style/temperaments, body smarts and take on board Dale’s cone theory and Keirsley and Schneidermann’s engagement theory. In addition create higher order thinking skills as represented by the upper levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (Ertmer, 2004) . The students’ could not only work on their reflections from their learning from school but create blogs of their extracurricular activities, interactions with family and friends and also be able to upload photos, files, videos etc. for sharing.


Dr. Ertmer, P. (2004). Examining the relationship between higher-order learning and students' perceived sense of community in an online learning environment. Retrieved September 10, 2009, from

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